What Damages Asphalt the Most in Green Valley Ranch, NV? Sealcoating to Combat Sun, Rain & More

Anyone that has a driveway or parking lot that is asphalt, knows that it can be a challenge to keep it from cracking and potholes developing. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact problem that is causing this damage to your asphalt, too. Unfortunately, there are some elements that your asphalt has to weather that are constantly taking a toll on the condition of the asphalt. Andersen Asphalt & Striping is here to talk about some of the elements that are the hardest on your asphalt surfaces as well as what you can do to protect and preserve it.

What is Harmful to Asphalt?

There is no way to completely escape the elements that are bound to take a toll on your asphalt surface. Here they are:
– Sun: The number one thing that will take a toll on asphalt is the sun. There are harmful UV rays that are not only dangerous when they come in contact with your skin, but they can also damage your asphalt driveway or parking lot. Even though asphalt is an extremely durable surface, it can be damaged by these harmful UV rays. It is important to protect your asphalt from the sun just like you do your skin.
– Rain: Moisture is also something that can be incredibly damaging to asphalt. Unfortunately, the rain that we see isn’t pure water. There are contaminates that are recycled from the pollution in the air and they are mixed in with the water that we get when it rains. The change in the pH can start to break down your asphalt with time. This is why ensuring there is proper drainage in place is so important.
– Heavy Vehicles: Another problem that can cause major damage to your asphalt is a large number of heavy vehicles driving on its surface. Most vehicles are going to be find to drive on your asphalt, but there are some extremely heavy trucks that could leave damage in their wake. You don’t always have control over what vehicles drive on your asphalt surface, but ensuring that the asphalt that you do have is installed properly will make a huge difference in the longevity of your asphalt. It will be able to better withstand the heavy vehicles that drive on it when installation was done right.
– Oil Spots: Another problem that is brought on by vehicles is oil dripping onto your asphalt. Asphalt and oil aren’t two things that go well together. The oil will eventually start to cause cracks in the surface of your asphalt.

Asphalt Parking Lot & Road Pavement Resurfacing, Replacement & More in Reno, Elko, Henderson, North LV, Paradise, Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor, Las Vegas, NV | State of Nevada

The best thing that you can do to protect your asphalt driveway or parking lot from the elements that are listed above is to have it sealcoated on a regular basis. This will put a protective barrier over the entire surface of the asphalt. Andersen Asphalt & Striping offers sealcoating services that will keep your asphalt protected and extend its life. Call us today!

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