When you have vehicles that are in and out of your establishment all day long, it means there is significant wear and tear on your parking lot. Most business owners want to do everything in their power to keep their parking lot in good condition because of the high cost the can accumulate with repairs. There are definitely things you want to steer clear of when it comes to your parking lot. Andersen Asphalt & Striping is here to talk about what you should work to keep away from your parking lot to extend its life.
Asphalt Water Damage
It’s hard to believe that a little bit of water can do so much damage to your parking lot. However, if you look at some of the major rock formations in the world, most of them were created with the help of water. This is why you need to keep water off of your parking lot. That water will slowly break down your asphalt and leave you in need of repair. In fact, when water is standing on your asphalt is will slowly start to crumble. Proper drainage is key in avoiding this.
Hydraulic Fluid, Oil & Other Corrosive Substances on Asphalt
With cars come a whole slew of corrosive substances. These substances include oil, gas, brake and transmission fluids as well as any other fluids that come from vehicles. It is nearly impossible to avoid them as long as you have vehicles parking in your lot. However, you can avoid the damage they cause by seal coating the surface of your parking lot. Another way to protect your parking lot from these fluids is to have your lot professionally cleaned periodically between seal coating.
Excessive Sunlight & Sun Damage to Asphalt
When you are talking about southern Nevada, keeping excessive sunlight off of the surface of your parking lot may seem like it’s impossible to do. In areas that have sunlight throughout the entire year, it can even more challenging. Sunlight will oxidize your asphalt and lead to cracking which leads to more serious damage. There are many ways that you can keep some shade on your parking lot throughout the day though. Some ideas include:
– Shade Trees
– Awnings
– Seal Coating
Parking Lot Road Damage By Heavy Vehicles
Your parking lot should be designed to handle vehicles like cars, trucks and SUVs. However, not all parking lots are equipped to handle extremely heavy vehicles like deliver trucks, buses or other excessively heavy vehicles. They can cause severe cracking if your parking lot doesn’t have the structural support needed.
Asphalt Pavement Installation, Repair, Maintenance Services & More in Reno, Elko, Henderson, North LV, Paradise, Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor, Las Vegas, NV | State of Nevada
Some of these issues listed above can be difficult to control, however, you can rely on the asphalt specialists at Andersen Asphalt & Striping to keep your parking lot not only in good condition, but can take care of the striping as well. Your parking lot will never have looked better when you call on us to take care of it. Call us today!