The word “asphalt” often brings to mind images of sleek, smooth roads that are perfect for a breezy drive. However, even these resilient surfaces are subject to damage over time, requiring maintenance and repairs to ensure their continued safety and effectiveness. One common repair method is asphalt patching. Andersen Asphalt & Striping would like to share more on asphalt patching, explain what it is and when it becomes necessary.
What are Asphalt Patches
Asphalt patching is a common method of repairing certain sections of a paved surface that have become damaged or deteriorated over time. Rather than replacing the entire pavement or asphalt surface, which can be both time consuming and expensive, instead utilizing asphalt patching focuses on restoring the compromised parts of the asphalt, restoring them back to their original condition. The process typically involves a few essential steps. First, the damaged area is cut out and removed. The exposed base is then cleaned and inspected for further damage. If the base is solid and has not been compromised, new asphalt mix is poured into the opening and compacted using a roller or vibratory plate. Finally, a sealant is applied around the patch to prevent water from seeping through the patch that can ruin the repairs.
What are the Methods of Asphalt Patching?
There are several types of asphalt patching that are commonly used depending on the severity of the damage, including surface patching, full-depth patching, and infrared asphalt patching.
• Surface Patching: This method is typically used for minor damages that only affect the surface layer of the asphalt. It involves applying a new layer of asphalt over the damaged area.
• Full-Depth Patching: As the name suggests, this method is used for severe damages that have entirely damaged the deepest layers of the asphalt. The damaged asphalt is completely removed and replaced with a new asphalt mix.
• Infrared Asphalt Patching: This is a more modern method that uses infrared technology to heat the damaged area and its surrounding asphalt, making it easier to work with and repair. The asphalt is reworked and compacted, creating a seamless repair that blends with the existing pavement.
When Do You Need Asphalt Patching?
Recognizing the signs that asphalt patching is required is an important part of maintaining a safe and smooth asphalt surface. Some of the common signs you need asphalt patching are:
• Potholes: These are one of the most visible signs of asphalt damage. They can cause vehicle damage and pose a safety hazard for drivers and pedestrians.
• Cracks: Over time, asphalt surfaces develop cracks due to different factors like weather conditions, traffic loads, or even the aging of the asphalt. When left unchecked, these cracks can widen and deepen, leading to more extensive damage.
• Alligator Cracks: These are series of small cracks that resemble the skin of an alligator. They are due to a weakened base or subgrade layer.
• Water Pooling: If water starts pooling on your asphalt surface, it’s a sign that the drainage system of your pavement might be compromised. Over time, this pooled water can seep into the asphalt and cause it to break down.
• Faded Color: While a change in color may not be a structural issue, it often signals the aging of the asphalt, making it more prone to damages.
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Asphalt patching is an important part of pavement maintenance. As soon as you see signs that asphalt needs repairs, seek professional asphalt repairs. For asphalt and striping services, contact Andersen Asphalt & Striping today.