Asphalt requires proper maintenance to ensure the road or asphalt surface lasts. One major part of asphalt maintenance is crack sealing. At some point in the life of asphalt, it will begin to develop small cracks, craters and potholes. When these problems occur you will want to seek crack sealing repair to ensure the longevity of the asphalt. If you prolong repair, it may be too late and you will need to invest in full asphalt replacement. Andersen Asphalt & Striping would like to go into more detail about crack sealing and when you want to seek out asphalt maintenance and crack sealing repairs.
When Should I Crack Seal with Asphalt?
Crack sealing can help prevent major damages from occurring on asphalt. However, it is important to know when to seek out crack sealing repairs. Cracks in asphalt will be small at first and get bigger over time. You should seek crack sealing when the cracks are ¼ of an inch wide. If the cracks become too wide then crack sealing is no longer an option. Instead you will need to replace the surface of the asphalt completely. The best season to perform crack sealing repair is during the spring and through the summer months.
What Does Crack Sealing Pavement Do?
If cracks develop on the asphalt, you will want to see an asphalt contractor. A contractor will come to the location and begin by inspecting the asphalt. The cracks will be measured and any other warning signs noted. If there are other problems with the asphalt, it is best to deal with all of the problems quickly. For example, the drainage system and the foundation of the asphalt will be inspected along with the cracks. The contractor will then provide an estimate and list of what will be done to repair the cracks. Often during crack sealing the cracks may require expansion to provide enough room for the sealant. A special routing equipment is brought out to the sight and creates a reservoir that is ¼ inch wide. This is as wide as you want a crack and the sealant can then be properly applied. The cracks will need to be clean to ensure the sealant adheres to the asphalt. A rubberized crack sealant is then applied to the cracks.
What Will Crack Sealant Not Repair?
Crack sealing is a great and optimal asphalt repair technique. However, crack sealing cannot fix everything. Crack seal will not repair major damage to the asphalt such as potholes and alligator cracking. Super large cracks also cannot be repaired with crack sealing. Major damages are not easily repaired and often take more demanding repairs or replacement of the asphalt. It is important to seek crack sealing repair in a timely manner. Crack sealing is much faster and more affordable than asphalt replacement.
Asphalt Driveway, Parking Lot & Road Pavement Repair, Resurfacing, Replacement & More in Reno, Elko, Henderson, North LV, Paradise, Spring Valley, Sunrise Manor, Las Vegas, NV | State of Nevada
When you have cracks developing on your asphalt, do not wait, contact Andersen Asphalt & Striping and begin crack sealing your asphalt today.