Types of Asphalt Pavement Distress in Sun Valley, NV; Cracking Deformation, Deterioration & More

Pavement distress occurs in several forms including cracking, deformations and deterioration. These types of distresses indicate how efficient your asphalt pavement is performing and how much longer you can expect it to endure. Pavement distress can be caused by several factors, including traffic, environment, climate, drainage, defective materials, construction, and external factors such as utility…

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How Do Potholes Form in Sparks, NV & How Can a Pothole Be Repaired with Crack Sealing, Sealcoating & More?

There are many issues that inflict roads, and among the most common problems include potholes. Areas of road surface that have cracked, worn away, and eventually formed a hole are known as a pothole. Usually, potholes begin as tiny cracks and when they are not fixed right away, they grow bigger, and eventually into potholes.…

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What is Asphalt Coring & Resurfacing of a Cracked or Patched Road, Parking Lot or Driveway Pavement in Reno, NV?

When you have asphalt that is 8 to 10 years old, you will want to consider resurfacing the asphalt. Asphalt needs maintenance especially once the asphalt reaches a certain age. There are many different needs that asphalt will develop over time. Asphalt resurfacing can correct many different asphalt problems. Andersen Asphalt & Striping will share…

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What is the Purpose of Crack Sealing Asphalt Pavement in Laughlin, NV? Will it Repair Potholes & Large Cracks?

Asphalt requires proper maintenance to ensure the road or asphalt surface lasts. One major part of asphalt maintenance is crack sealing. At some point in the life of asphalt, it will begin to develop small cracks, craters and potholes. When these problems occur you will want to seek crack sealing repair to ensure the longevity…

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Signs You Need Asphalt Repairs in Incline Village, NV; Standing Water, Potholes, Large Cracks & More

Asphalt roads and parking lots will last much longer with proper maintenance and repairs. Identifying the need for asphalt repairs is essential for the asphalt’s longevity. When the need for repairs goes unnoticed this will simply lead to total asphalt replacement. Replacing asphalt is much more costly and takes more time than repairs. For those…

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What is the Difference Between Asphalt Speed Bumps & Paved Speed Humps in Gardnerville Ranchos, NV?

When you need to control traffic speed, especially in a parking area, residential community, or school zones, sometimes you need to install speed control devices. The two more effective speed devices are speed humps and speed bumps. Often people think that speed bumps and speed humps are the same thing. However, they are different and…

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